Have you gotten acquainted with the 100 trillion bacteria that reside in your gut?
You may not realize it, but this vast army of bacteria outnumber the cells in your body by an estimated factor of 10 to 1. With number like these, perhaps it's time to pay attention to what's going on inside your gut. The community of microbes in your gut is called your "microbiome", and whether you realize it or not, your LIFE depends on the health of your gut bacteria. When everything is in working order, these microbes help build up your immune system, they help to breakdown food in order to release energy, they produce and even convert some vitamins into forms that your body can actively use, and they even communicate with your brain to exert influence over your behaviour.
(Yes, you read that right... your brain may be controlled by alien invaders!)
Bodies... Amazing. (And also sometimes weird!)
So many elements of your life hinge on the health of the beneficial bacteria in your gut. But how would you know if the community of bacteria you host are working for you best benefit or whether they need some support? What happens when that healthy community of beneficial bacteria gets thrown out of balance? When antibiotics wipe out the troops, or when an enemy gets the upper hand and starts evicting all the good guys? It happens... and it's called "Dysbiosis". That's a fancy way of saying that there's a battle going on in the intestinal tract, and the bad guys are getting the upper hand, causing an imbalance that will result in a domino effect of symptoms throughout the rest of the body. Symptoms of dysbiosis can vary widely and may include things like bloating, gas, food sensitivities, chronic fatigue, joint pain, yeast infections, brain fog, sugar cravings, weight gain, depression, anxiety... the list goes on.
And on...
And on...
So how do you know if the symptoms you're experiencing could be connected to dysbiosis of YOUR gut?
Well, there are a few different ways to find out, but my favourite (by far) is to get up close and personal with your microbiome! I want you to really get in touch and in tune with your body so that you can be empowered in this process and an active participant in your own best health. I'll explain what you need to know to bring you up to speed so that you can own your progress.
First, we'll figure out the 'who's who' of your microbiome to determine who the major players are. From there we can come up with some simple (and delicious) strategies to help you repair any damage and build up the diversity of healthy bacteria (replenish the troops, so to speak) so that they can support your overall health and get you back to the place of health that is your birthright.
Curious to know more about the turf war in your gut and how addressing your gut health is KEY to your healthy life?
Ask me!
Book your complimentary Discovery Session today and we can figure out if this simple strategy might be exactly what you need to boost your health (and your immune system, and your brain, and your metabolism, and slim down your waist line...)